Submission of projects in the context of global mental health
Study/ scientific project
What do we expect for a first appraisal?
The reason why you are approaching our Association.
A project description of 2,000 words maximum containing a description of your scientific project in a broader scientific context together with information about the methodology (timing, milestones, cooperation partners), a statement regarding interdisciplinarity, a description of the innovation potential, and statements regarding practical benefits and scientific theory, also in a global context.
Budget planning
Contact data of the project applicant.
Our submission deadlines and decision-making processes
Submission deadlines: April 1 and November 1
The management of our Association will review and decide in May and November of the year.
Projects submitted will be processed in the order of arrival (receipt of mail/ stamp date).
The decision made after the first appraisal will be communicated to you around the end of May/ November, including information about whether a resubmission is regarded as practical, and under what conditions.
If the result of the first appraisal is positive, a second appraisal will follow. At the same time, you will be sent form sheets covering e.g. the detailed research plan and the current status of research into the subject.